Park Rules & Regulations

In order to ensure access and use of the park and its facilities by everyone, the Buhl Park Corporation has adopted certain rules and regulations. These rules are intended to establish a code of conduct or acceptable standards of behavior in the park and in the use of its facilities in order to allow everyone to enjoy the park as it was intended. These rules and regulations are enforced in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of all visitors in the park, as well as to provide protection for Buhl Park’s natural, historical, and recreational resources.

1. Persons operating motor vehicles and bicycles on the roadways and in the parking lots within Buhl Park shall do so in compliance with all provisions of the PA Motor Vehicle Code. Persons operating motorized vehicles and bicycles shall do so in a manner that does not endanger, or is likely to endanger, the safety of any person or damage property.

2. Bicycles, in-line skates, skateboards, and rollerblades are permitted on all roadways in Buhl Park unless otherwise posted. Persons operating bicycles shall do so in a manner that does not endanger, or is likely to endanger, the safety of any person or damage property. Skateboarding is prohibited at all buildings, stairways, railings, and all other marked locations.

3. Unless otherwise permitted under prescribed conditions and during designated times, the use or operation of motorcycles, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, mini-bikes, go-karts, and trail bikes in Buhl Park is prohibited.

4. Vehicles shall not be parked, or left parked, in Buhl Park, after 9:00 PM without the prior written consent of a Park Ranger. Parking of vehicles in Buhl Park is allowed only in those areas designated for parking.

5. Except as provided herein, no person shall bring, consume, sell, or distribute any alcoholic beverage, narcotic drug, or controlled substance in Buhl Park, nor shall any person enter or come upon Buhl Park while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic drugs, or controlled substance. Alcoholic beverages may only be served in the Buhl Park Casino Ballroom pursuant to the issuance of a Buhl Park Alcohol Use Permitted and in accordance with full compliance with the Buhl Park Alcohol Use Policy.

6. Domestic animals shall not be permitted to run at large in Buhl Park and all domestic animals shall be strained and under control at all times on a 6ft long leash. The domestic animals shall not be permitted to enter any memorial gardens or walk on any improved foot or fitness trails. The owners or persons responsible for any domestic animals shall be required to clean up and remove any defecation left by the animals and to dispose of the same in the pet waste facilities.

7. Horses and ponies shall not be ridden or walked in Buhl Park, unless pursuant to a permit issued by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

8. Exotic animals are not permitted in Buhl Park, unless pursuant to a permit issued by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

9. Hunting and trapping are not permitted in Buhl Park, unless pursuant to a permit issued by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

10. Except for ice-fishing that is prohibited, fishing is permitted in Lake Julia subject to compliance with laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and as administered by the PA Fish and Boat Commission.

11. Feeding of all wildlife, including migratory birds, in Buhl Park is prohibited.

12. Harassing, chasing, harming, or attempting to harm wildlife, including migratory birds and aquatic species, or intentionally disturbing or interfering with the nesting areas of wildlife, including migratory birds, in Buhl Park is strictly prohibited.

13. The use or operation of any public address or loudspeaker system, of the operation of a radio or other electronic audio device in a manner that constitutes a noise disturbance is prohibited. For purposes of this section, noise disturbance means any activity which annoys or disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities. This section shall not apply to sounds arising for or consistent with any activity which has been approved in advance by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

14. Camping and sleeping overnight in Buhl Park shall only be permitted in designated areas and with prior approval and a permit issued by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

15. The possession, discharging, or use of any firearms, fireworks, dangerous weapons, or similar devices, is strictly prohibited unless permitted in advance by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

16. The selling, or offering to sell, any merchandise, food, beverage, article, privilege, service, or subscription in Buhl Park is prohibited, unless such sale or offer is pursuant to a Buhl Park Vendor Permit which has been applied for and issued by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

17. Gambling in Buhl Park is prohibited except for activities such as small games of chance for which a license has been applied for and approved via Pennsylvania Small Games of Chance Law.

18. Open fires in Buhl Park are prohibited except in such areas and under such regulations as may be designated and approved by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee. No person shall drop, throw, or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes, tobacco paper, or other flammable material in Buhl Park.

19. Smoking is not permitted in any building in Buhl Park, including all of the picnic shelters. In addition, smoking is not permitted in Buhl Park in the immediate vicinity of children’s areas and organized activities.

20. No person shall willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, or displace or remove any buildings, bridges, tables, benches, playground equipment, fireplaces, railings, monuments, stakes, posts, or other boundary markers or other structures or equipment, facilities or park property or appurtenances, either real or personal.

21. No person shall damage, cut, carve, transplant, or remove any tree or plant or injure the bark of any tree or plant, dig in, or otherwise disturb grass areas or in any other way injure the natural beauty or usefulness of any area.

22. No person shall throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the water of any lake, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into such water, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution of the waters.

23. The use of remote-control vehicles, drones, toys, and airplanes is permitted in Buhl park only in areas designated for such use. As it pertains to drones, any videos and/or pictures being taken within Buhl Park without approval from the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee is strictly prohibited.

24. Sled-riding, tobogganing, coasting, snowboarding, and skiing are permitted in Buhl Park in those areas designated for their use.

25. The use of motorized watercraft, including jet skis, is not permitted on Lake Julia, or any adjacent waterways in Buhl Park.

26. Ice skating is permitted on Lake Julia only in those areas designated for such use.

27. Meetings or speeches of any kind advocating or in opposition to religion, politics, labor, or other controversial subjects are not permitted. No handbills, signs, placards, pictures, pamphlets, periodicals, or other literature on such topics or other controversial subjects shall be distributed or posted on Buhl Park property.

28. Picnics, dances, or any other special event or activity sponsored by any institutions, churches, or organizations, shall be held only upon obtaining permission from the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee.

29. Special activities are permitted in Buhl Park only after obtaining a written permit issued by the Buhl Park Director of Operations or designee, upon application made not less than seven (7) days prior to the day of the activity. “Special Activities” are organized and supervised activities or events involving a number of participants or spectators, which significantly affect the public use, preservation, and protection of Buhl Park. Announcements or notice of special activities as provided in this rule may be displayed in a manner as directed by the Buhl Park Director of Operations, or designee, and must be removed immediately after the event. Dependent on the type of activity, liability insurance coverage naming Buhl Park Corporation and the Trustees of F.H. Buhl Farm as an additional insured may be required as a condition of any such permit. In addition, any expense incurred by the Buhl Park Corporation as a result of the special activity must be paid by the permit holder immediately following the event. A security deposit may also be required.

30. The discarding or dumping of any paper, garbage, bottles, cans, refuse or foreign materials of any description are prohibited, except in disposal receptacles provided for such purpose.

31. No person shall recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, injury, or alarm to another by engaging in fighting or threatening harm to persons or property.

32. No person shall make an offensively coarse utterance or gesture or display or communication unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person.

33. No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any reasonable order relating to the regulation, direction, or control of traffic or to any other order lawfully given by any park ranger or willfully resist, obstruct, or abuse any park ranger or other official in the performance of their duties.

34. Park visitors who violate any rule or regulation of Buhl Park may be asked to leave the premises, and repeated violations can result in expulsion from Buhl Park. Persons who have violated a law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or ordinance of the City of Hermitage may be cited or arrested. Remaining or returning to the premises after being asked to leave is deemed a trespass and as such, a misdemeanor.